July 11, 2021
Episode 10 special
Now , if youve BEAN on the internet for more than 3 DAYS, you know that You Can't Trust Any File with that has a .EXE. So i change the estension to .PDF or something.
Graeat. it crashes on inload. guess i got sammed out of my monye AGGA IN.
I really need to get back my mnoney somehow. Get the riches pouring in without having to DUE anyithing. And then i hits me: The Stock MArket. Yes, this way i can have money poured in to me. I look at the available stocks markets. "Gamespot" hmm yes, this one looks interesting. I'll take it. I'll take 12!,
1 dollar. I being lookiong at into the "hedge funs" or something,. To try and increase it to 1000 dollars. I join the reddit "wall street bets" and ask, "hey lets do hedge squeeze on gamesopt or something".
Next thing I know, I'm looking at the news, it's in the news that gamespotop had some funnys with their stonsk. Little do they NOW, that i was behind it all. And now thousands are flying into my bank account. Yes, nuahahaha! I go to my youtube home page.

OH GREAT, someone turned my threadit into a TTS REDIT VIDEO. Disliked. I can only imagine that this is tylers way of getting back at me, so i look at this channel. "r/askReddit How to get rid of tyler for good? [SERIOUS]" YEs! Exactly what i need. It must'nt be tyler after all.
But this Text to speech, is grating my ears! Dislimed. I TRIY to go to the original one from riedit, but no link in the discription! I can't beleive.. Well, when i look at the comnets section they appear to think that the YT Comments Section IS Reddit, so i look at their replys. "Sorry, link. I cant GIVE credit. Come back when you're a little...mmmm...richer!" < someone says. Sorry, link. i thiought this was a SERIUOS disussion.
I might have to Buy gamestpop once i ha e the moneys. Wait, that would be a waist, beacasue no one buys their games anymoare. #Rosted
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