July 13, 2021
Ep11sode 11
So I was looking trough the Comment section I aformenioend, and I notice in the replies. "OMG... youtu.be/FSSFgWlDbJU" OMG they're must be triyng to rickroll me. I'm not falling that for the 11 (thousand)th time. But there my mouse gets slipped off my hand, the cursor goes over the link and it clicks.

"How To Convert PDF To Word Without Using Any Software"
I HATE PDF TO WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But wait. This must be a sign! If you remember from my previous episod, that I had a pdf file in my hard disk! The one to with the diewbots! THIS is how I'm doing it, folks.
"Let's start: Using google drive"
WowI thought this said WITHOUT using ANY SOFTWARE. Disloked,
And then I got an ad. "Grammarly " is it saying me to use that ? Me? With the prefect grandmer?. Not doing it.
But the G arrow icon, iti is tempoting. The reviews on Gogle play, it says "Fixed my graham. 10/10" and I"m like OK, this i have to try. But later, because right now I the viewbots are what I'm trying to get at, people.
Okay, back to the bas9ics. Converting pdf to word is dimple. Just renome the .PDF to .doc and you are set.
That's what society is not seeing these days in 20221. That you can't just Use Google Drive to solve your proglems. U have to to know how to USE these machine conputer.s With the technical know-how big brained quadrupple-digit IQ GENIUSES and me are lafghing at your backsides.
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