July 10, 2021
Not even going to bother with nine puns for the 9th Episode
Now, im' not ewairng my BOXKING glvoes as ime tiping, becuse we ALL no where that takes us.. But i was wearing bloxing glove, when i gave tyler a swing to the sholder.

In respones, he gives me a kick to the shouldre. I give him a tap on my his shoulder, and then i give him a swig of my bnoxing gloves (on his sholder).
I'm li,e MAN, you doj'nt RUN OUT of SHOULDER POWER Do you?. I grab his shoolders and say, "Don't bet me at mario jart anymore, If You Know The Conskquenses".
I asks the million dollar question. Can I have that your vioewbotes? ?? and he's like" OKAY i give up" and gives me the viewbots. He sensd them to my email. Hes like, I'll never gome to your howse a GAIN. Sweet! I Have the ones that i wanted since i started iwht this joreney. After in intentse fightup, after hours pof playing Mario Party, E.
now the BILLion dollar question. Fricking viewbots, how to they work? i try to use them. but he didn't tell. i do a google shorch for "how to use viewbots". i go to page 20 of google, because that is WHERE They hide the good stuff. the dark web is on page 20. of google. that's where no man goes. NO. MAN. (goes)
it's a mirical. i see the website (on page 20). Free Toolbars Windows Vista Free Viewbots Antivirus. ESXACTLY what i needed. i'm going to have a time with this.
i download the file. chrome has a huge fit giant fit, sayong "This tipe of file can HRAM your computer. Downlaod anyows?" and i'm like YES! i need the view bots., chrome can eat my RAM. (it already does,) but now i have the file. It sayes, the file name is ToolbarsViewbots.exe and i run it. now i can sit back, and wait intil i'm richer than bill goats. No, i'm going to be TRILL gates, becuase i'l,l be trillonare.
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