July 6, 2021
Part 5,,
'tIs 1 day late,r i be trieng to get a whold of this sailguy. It's when the light goes off on my head.
I could make a VIDOEK, aboujt this HOLE fiasCo. Asd we all knowe, videos abuot the dark web tend to DO well on the yt algreoisthm. That's what I can do to boast my subscriper count!
so i that's what i do did. MNot a #shorts vieo this time, bexcause even THAT would be Excesive. Even THOH i didn't unbox anything in the video, i put it tin the tital becasuse then it reaches the ghome gage.
Looking at my title makes even me nod and approval. "I UNBOXED my CREDIT CARD from the DARK WEB... (GONE WRONG)"
The thumbnail. Another thing which is esential to the yt expierinece, i forgot to make. since I'm already up to my noes in YT DRAMA, I dodn't need to make it 2 egrigious. red circles and arrowsw, we've seen it much But it's does the trick.

OBut the drama was begininng for real, because I notice in my comments seciton, the satlesmen from my PRIVIOUS part. I read his comment in a dramatic voce, "I have your adress." and I'm like, WAHT? Im sick if this Dudd, i tell you what.
I go to his channle, becuase that'/s what any sane pereosn doses. I look at the nanme. of the channel. It's didficult for me to despihier, but i see the smile in the mans face, he knows what im doing.


to gbe conutned
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