July 5, 2021
Part 4!?;
It is time...to CHEXCK how the BIDEO is doing,
20 views............................great
What could have I done have wronge?
Ah. I forgot 1 thing., the thing beang VIEWbots. I just unleash a lot of them, and suddenly 20becomers 20 billion.I'm going to be a billionAIR, onece i'm done with this.
But how to get them? It's time to do a DARK WEB search. I use my sweet sweet VPN, which i hear makes you 110% imune to hakcers, i hear. But dark web time. I do a search for, ViewBots and I found a onliene buyer stalesman to give me as much as I'd like. and i'm Like , YES, i'll take YOUR HOLY stonks.

I give my credit c ard information to this RANDOM DUDE, and, well,
he ant responing. And I'm like , DUEDE I gave you my credit card minformation alreday, just GIVE me the bots. Good thing I'm using that ultimate vpn, which means no one will steal or scam my.
Sandly, it doesn't look like i can end this sAGa in a FOUR-parter, so just keep ESPECTing that i keep going witd this.
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