Welcome To My Ground

This is my World Wide Web Site. I'm Plerb. I make a lot of stuff and then I might put it on here.
Mini Blog
A place to dump short updates and thoughts I guess. I don't update this as much as I'd like.
I haven't created this section yet, but it'll be for larger articles which each take up an individual HTML page.
Haven't made this section either, but this is where I'll put interesting places on the WWW.
Incomplete about me section.
--Misc Creations--
3D Art
Some graphics I made with 90s 3DS Max!
I mostly make MIDI and tracker music and I haven't kept this page updated, but it contains a link to a thread on Doomworld which has most of my MIDIs.

Doom WADs
Some blerbs on various Doom projects I'm working on.
Commander Keen Mods
Same as the Doom section but for Commander Keen projects. I haven't been very actively modding Keen for a good while so this section is kind of slow.

Dangerous Dave and the Crazy Country
An absurdist sprite comic parodying bad gaming comics from the 2000s, while also mostly doing its own thing.
Random Davecomic
Needs JS 2 Work, and also "No Gaurantee's" that this will not be one of the "SHitty One's", or launch U into a midle of an Arc with NO context or explamanation, so view with Discresion ,